Thursday, February 26, 2009

Off On The Road To Jerusalem!

WEEK ONE ... begins on Ash Wednesday and goes until Sunday, March 8. At the conclusion of this first week, simply record your name and miles in the comments section of this "Madison" blog post. You may also put them in the Sunday collection basket or email me at

Viewing this beautiful skyline, we are reminded how blessed we are to live in this glorious heartland of the United States. Madison and its surrounding area offers immeasurable delights for all ages.

As we embark upon our journey to Jerusalem, our combined miles will land us in many beautiful destinations along the way. Just as we did with the skyline of Madison, we will post a picture of each week's stop and give a little information as well.

Happy Walking!

Reclaiming the Sacred

DEUS VULT! (GOD WILLS IT!) was the battle cry of the first Crusaders as they sought to reclaim the Holy Land on behalf of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We are being called to join the battle today of reclaiming the sacred and holy in our world today.

OFFER IT UP: Walking and exercise can be strenuous, so are kinds of sacrifice. The word, “sacrifice” actually means “to make holy.” Pope John Paul II said, “Prayer and sacrifice constitutes the greatest force in the universe.” We can offer up these sacrifices to God, asking Him to bring more holiness and sacred into the world, especially helping us to see all life as sacred, from conception to natural death.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What is "Walk to Jerusalem?"

WHAT? Walk to Jerusalem is an exercise program to promote physical and spiritual well-being. The goal is for participants to accumulate enough miles of exercise to walk from Madison to Jerusalem. That’s 6400 miles. Travel with us across the Atlantic Ocean to Ireland and then to Britain where we begin to travel the same route the Crusaders took on their way to “Reclaim the Surrendered Ground of the Holy Land.”

HOW? You can either count the miles that you walk or run, or 20 minutes of any aerobic activity (e.g. swimming, biking, cardio machines, team sports, tennis, etc.) equals 1 mile of walking/running. Keep track of your miles and turn them into the collection basket at Fr. Rick’s parishes each Sunday, or record them each week at this Walk to Jerusalem blog.

WHO? Anyone! We encourage you to use this program as an opportunity to exercise as family, with friends and co-workers, with people in your neighborhood group, and with other church members.

WHEN? We officially begin at the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday, February 25, 2009.

WHERE? Anywhere! You can exercise in your neighborhood, at a gym, or at home.

WHY? To commit to improved physical, spiritual health in 2009. Walking and exercise can be strenuous, so are kinds of sacrifice. The word, “sacrifice” actually means “to make holy.” Pope John Paul II said, “Prayer and sacrifice constitutes the greatest force in the universe.” We encourage you to offer up these sacrifices to God, asking Him to bring more holiness and sacred into the world, especially helping us to see all life as sacred, from conception to natural death.